At ICE SCOUT, we make your life easier by providing you a platform where you can scout or be scouted – without the guess work!

Benefits of Joining ICE SCOUT

  • Easy Player Search: Coaches can quickly filter players by birth year, level, position, and location.
  • Player Profiles with Media: Parents can create detailed profiles with stats, videos, and images to showcase their player to coaches.
  • Direct Visibility: Coaches gain access to player profiles, helping them avoid sifting through emails and missing opportunities.
  • Real-time Coach Vacancies: Parents can track open spots and know when their player is being considered.
  • Efficient Communication: Coaches and parents can avoid manual follow-ups, with direct responses and offers through the platform.
  • Coach Decision Tools: Coaches can take notes, rate players, and organize their feedback directly within the platform.
  • Calendar: Coaches can receive invites from players to watch practices or games – keeping everyone more organized.
  • Streamlined Contact: Coaches have direct access to parents' contact information for quick communication.
  • Automated Updates: Coaches' profiles update automatically as positions are filled, saving time and reducing confusion.
  • Time-saving for Coaches: Coaches regain countless hours by streamlining player search, review, and team management.
Benefit Image

How Ice Scout Works

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